Maxine Henry, mother of 4 and wife to the incomparable Morris Henry, was a women of flair and style. My cousins would tell me stories of how my grandfather would drive her across the country from Springfield Ohio to California so that she could shop the Neiman Marcus catalog in person. Can you say FABULOUS?!?!
She instilled excellence in all her children and was proud of their accomplishments. Always a beacon of Biblical teaching, Maxine was known to share the Gospel with anyone who graced her presence. With conviction and vigor she encouraged people to have faith in God, discover their purpose and to embrace change in their lives.
Born to a bi-racial parent, hailing from Guntersville, AL, she was the epitome of strength, perseverance and zeal. Her experiences made her tough, but her faith enabled her to touch the hearts and minds of many.
Her style and fashion artifacts are unmatched. From mink stoles and leather swing coats, to luxurious hats and vintage chiffon dresses. My favorite piece from her closet that I was given is a fur muff that is both absolutely stunning and absolutely over the top for this California weather.
Albeit, not only did she impact my style aesthetic, she impacted my persona of strength and courage and most importantly a steadfast faith.
Whether playing in makeup or doing her hair, we shared unforgettable special moments that fundamentally shaped my style, femininity and the essence of who I would become.
This I do in dedication of her memory.
xo - Janelle